Forming snack bars only with ultrasonic energy, just sound.
High frequency low amplitude sound waves form premium whole and powdered ingredients in a fraction of a second to create a taste and texture unlike any other bar.

New products go from good to groundbreaking when they solve a critical real-life problem.

Who really needs a great tasting, nutritionally dense, shelf stable snack bar?
Using ultrasonic energy to gently form ingredients into a bar quickly sounds like a great idea, but what problem does it really solve. It turns out that SOUND's process results in a great tasting nutritionally and calorically dense bar with a great texture which is something the US Army was looking to improve advanced combat rations.

A high energy calorically dense snack bar for the US Warfighter.
The U.S. Army has long been working to improve combat rations. The latest challenge was to create an advanced combat ration that was smaller and more calorically dense than the standard MRE.
SOUND saw an opportunity to create a calorically dense snack bar that would also provide a great taste and texture. What good is a snack bar if the Warfighter doesn't want to eat it?

Designed for the Warfighter, but also perfect for everyday life.
SOUND is more than a technology or product, it's a story and a brand. Our brand lead, Dave, comes from the world of sports, not food. After a decade bringing brand stories to life for the giants of athletic wear, Dave still sincerely believes in the power of an inspired life. But the world has shown him that the true heroes wear a different kind of uniform than the ones sold in sports stadiums.
When he met Don, Dave had already transitioned from sneakers to startups and SOUND was the kind of grand, world-changing endeavor he’d been looking for.